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TKO Killin Wetlands Stewardship

Stewardship opportunity with Trailkeepers of Oregon at Killin Wetlands

We will spend a portion of the day steward the trails as described below, and a portion of the day enjoying the beautiful landscape, walking, and bird watching. Everyone is welcome and no background experience or knowledge on trails or birds is required!

Trail Project Information:

We’ll be installing drainage structures and culverts to divert seasonal runoff from the trail surface, where it can wash away gravel and leave ruts in the trail surface. To do this we’ll be digging ditches with grubbing tools (hoes, shovels, picks), excavation for and placing culverts (picks, shovels, straps, pry bars) and moving rocks and gravel (straps, wheelbarrows, shovels). Many hands make for light work, so invite a friend to register, too!!

There are restrooms on site, but there is not running water. The project area is sunny on a south-facing slope, there is forested area nearby for shade for breaks.

More information and to sign up

June 24

Birding walk

July 1

Birding walk