Birding walk for womin, Trans, Non-binary people
Saturday birding walk at Crystal Springs Rhododendron Garden at 10 am.
This photo of a Palestine Sunbird is by Palestinian birder Anton Khalilieh published in an article “Bird watchers of the West Bank navigate a fraught political climate” published in 2018. He is the founder of the conservation organization @nature_palestine_society
Let’s gather together tomorrow and hold space for our anger, sadness and grief for those suffering. We encourage everyone to then channel that into action and join the rally to stand with Palestine at 3 pm. (Info on second slide by @freepeoplepls )
Crystal Springs Rhododendron Garden has ADA accessible routes. The entrance fee ($5) will be covered for those that need it. Parking lot and bathrooms available. Bring your binoculars or borrow some of ours. Free, no rsvp.
Free, No RSVP
Dress for the weather, sturdy walking shoes recommended.
Extra binoculars available